We envision a world that shifts its paradigm from the growth-oriented approach of productivism and material consumption to an era that encourages sustainable development and a humanism adapted to the current challenges.

Sustainable development is defined as the ability to meet our current needs without compromising those of future generations. In the context of the current crisis, which touches on all aspects of our ecological, socio-economic, political and psychological existence, we are convinced that we must go further in our thinking and actions.

This complex landscape was shaped by human behaviour – it is the problem and the solution. The preservation of our human and natural capital requires the joint effort of institutions and governments, as well as the commitment of every citizen – an effort of humanity for humanity.

Yet in order to build this global civil society, every one of its members must know a degree of security which it is our collective and individual responsibility to ensure. Never in the history of our species have we been more reliant on each other for our survival and the preservation of our planet.

It is a quest for a new humanism, that of belonging to a single human community. Beyond differences in origin,  ethnicity, culture, gender, religion and socio-economic divides. It is a holistic approach that supports the emancipation of the individual and the realisation of personal well-being in symbiosis with one’s environment.

We are in this together, and it is only together that we will be able to meet this challenge, which is also an extraordinary opportunity to achieve the greatest feat in the evolution of our species: to act beyond personal gain as a universal community.

We believe the individual to be the foundation stone for a Sustainable Humanity, which is not just the goal, but the strategy: a way of thinking and being that encourages us to shape the future with individual agency.

SHD Founder Marie-Cassandre Bultheel
